Hybrid AFC Solutions
(Hybrid Automatic Fare Collection – EMV, ABT, Closed Loop)
- Classic closed loop automatic fare collection solutions
- Cloud/Account based automatic fare collection solutions using the principle “bring your own media” (ABT)
- Contactless EMV payment solutions
- The PROXIMA software suite is Prodata PTexcellence’s complete automated fare collection and access control system for the public / private transport industry.
- The PROXIMA system is a SAAS based AFC multi-operator and multi-modal system that can service multiple transport operators/authorities and different modes of transport such as bus, train, tram, taxi and ferry.
- The PROXIMA system is a complete solution that contains and integrates different configurable front office and back office modules, including all state of the art specifics for providing and supporting automatic entrance/access control and automatic fare collection systems within the domain of public and private transport (AFC Automated Fare Collection).
- The PROXIMA system is an evolving system in order to capture the latest trends, standards and needs in the transport industry.